Founder's Story: Meet Brigitte

How did Devices come together? What prompted you to join the founding team?

On March 13, schools shut down. I teach math and science to middle scholers in Cupertino, and would be lying if I said I wasn’t a little bit excited to have a break. However, as the days progressed, I was getting antsy and anxious, sick of not knowing what was going to happen with my school, my students, and our imminent future. There was talk in my district about transitioning to distance learning, but nothing solid had been decided. 

My anxiety increased: could all my students access distance learning? Some of my students stay after school to use computers in the library or ask for printed copies of online homework assignments. Beyond academic concerns, I was worried about my students welfare. Are the students that rely on the free and reduced lunch getting enough food? Are they able to get human connection outside of their homes?  Some of my students look forward to school as a safe haven from their home lives. Were they ok? I wanted to do something, but felt unsure how to support them. 

Chris told me that he was working on a non-profit to provide devices to students so they could gain access to distance learning. I loved the idea, but knew some schools were loaning out their devices, and the bigger issue would be getting students access to the internet.  I realized my experience and understanding of what goes on in the schools - and the nuances of these students' lives - could be valuable to this non-profit.  I asked the team if there was anything I could do to help, and we got to work.

How did the team and roles evolve?

I am the educator (also known as the “teacher whisperer”) of my tech co-founders.  At first, I felt pretty useless, not knowing the ins and outs of running a business, setting up websites, dealing with legal matters, or marketing our brand, so I used my education background and connections to begin finding school districts and students that would need our support once the rest of the team got us up and running. This evolved into becoming the liaison between Devices for Students and our school district partners. I also took on the role as accountant since apparently the team voted that my background as a math teacher made me highly qualified.

Why is education important to you?

I am a life-long learner--education is my passion and my chosen profession.  I enjoy being able to share my love of learning with my students, and hopefully inspire them to ask the types of questions that will result in a brighter future.  Knowledge is power.

What has been the most exciting part of the project for you personally so far?

I love being able to be a part of something bigger. I have always wanted to do something to help, but felt I didn’t have the power or background to make much difference beyond reaching a few students. Teaming up with Tom, Chris, Jay, and Kat changed that.  When our powers combine (like Captain Planet), we have the background and connections to make a real impact for good; and I am so thankful to be able to be a part of it.

What is something we wouldn’t know about you?

I nerd out on geology.  I was inspired to go to Iceland when I taught my students about Earth Science.  I decided to get my advanced open water and dry suit scuba certification so I can dive between, and touch the Mid-Atlantic Ridge and North American plates! I use these pictures in my lessons now.


Founder's Story: Meet Chris


Founder's Story: Meet Katrina